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Data Standards Service

Data Processing

Enhance Data Governance, Performance, and Regulatory Reporting

In collaboration with HACT, the Data Standards Index is a revolutionary self-service analytics tool designed to simplify the process of aligning social housing data with the UK Housing Association Data Standards (UKHADS).

At its core, our innovative machine learning model, trained on authentic datasets from housing organisations, stands out from other mapping software available on the market. Using the natural language processing capability, this powerful model will be able to grasp housing data context and assess the conformity of the data to industry standards.

The comprehensive evaluation results depend on the extent to which landlords have adopted these industry standards. Unlike time-consuming manual mapping, our tool delivers results in a fraction of the time while matching the performance of human experts.

Our Data Consultancy Service includes:
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Industries We Serve: 

The Data Standards Index is designed to revolutionise data management practices across the public sector. Implementing data standardisation will significantly enhance efficiency and accuracy in housing data management, paving the way for a more data-driven approach to business decision-making. This advancement not only optimises operations but also empowers organisations to make informed, strategic decisions with confidence. 

Through our technical expertise, we have the ability to transform raw data into actionable insights that can be used to improve the quality of service provided to residents and communities. This transformation will empower organisations to make informed decisions, enhance service delivery, and ultimately improve the quality of life for those within your community. 

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