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Data Futurists Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Notice is here to tell you about what we do with your data and why. You do not need to take any action as this just informs you of your rights and what we do with your data.

Who we are

Data Futurists is the trading name of “Neil Topping Limited”, that is registered at Companies House with number 08865185.

9 Goldington Road,
MK40 3JY


This Privacy Notice is something that we are obliged to do by law to tell what we do with your personal data.

At Data Futurists we want to be as transparent as possible with how we collect, store and process your personal data. So, if there is anything in here that is confusing, you do not like or would like us to explain then please get in touch This will help us to make this better for the next person reading it as well as for you.

What data do we process?

It depends on your relationship to Data Futurists as we will collect and process different information.

You work for a client (prospective, current, or former)

If you work for a client then we will process relevant information required to meet our contractual obligations. This may include:

  • Your name, job title and contact details.

  • Communication and meeting information.

  • Business reports and analysis.

  • Training records (for sessions we deliver).

  • Information provided by the client to enable us to meet our contractual commitments.

You are a customer or client

Where we have clients, they are usually service organisations that have customers. We seek to minimise the personal data that we hold about their customers. However, some of our work focuses on analysing and improving customer data.

In these instances, we will be doing this under contract and will only process what is required. As our contracts and obligations vary with each client it is possible, we hold none, some or lots of your personal data. In the case of there being lots of personal data that needs to be processed by Data Futurists we will seek to use the client’s tools and systems in the first instance so it does not leave their organisation.

This will vary from contract to contract, but the most common forms of client’s customer data will be:

  • Customers’ Name and Address

You have contacted us via our website

If you have used our website to make contact this will send an e-mail to our team. This will then be reviewed and responded to by a relevant person if a response is required.

Specifically, we will have the following data:

  • Your name, job title and contact details.

  • Details of your contact

Lawful Basis for processing your data

There are 6 lawful bases for processing personal data under the Data Protection Act 2018. These are as follows:

  1. Consent

  2. Contract

  3. Legitimate Interests

  4. Legal Obligation

  5. Public Task

  6. Vital Interests

If what we are doing relates to a client contract then our lawful basis for processing is that contract.

If what we are doing relates to business development and sales, then we run and participate in various events that we will gather your personal data from. We have a legitimate interest in reaching out to you to see if you are interested in working with us. However, we will respect you asking us not to contact you again, so will provide an unsubscribe option in future communication.

Data Futurists comply with all laws relevant to the jurisdictions that we operate in. Therefore, there may be legal obligations for your personal data to be shared.

How long do we hold your personal data for?

Where we have the information from a contract, we will keep it as long as the contract states. If it is not specified, we will retain the data until asked by the client to destroy it or 6 years following the last usage.

If we have gathered your information from an event or similar, then we will retain your records for up to 6 years following the last usage of your personal data.

Sharing and transferring your data

We will avoid sharing your personal data outside of the European Economic Area unless required by a client, by law, or the processing will have an equivalent level of security and safeguards (this may be due to a technology we use, but we will seek to minimise this as much as possible).

Your Data Rights

The Data Protection Act 2018 set out multiple rights that you have as an individual. These are not all absolute rights, which means that in some circumstances they will be unsuccessful. For example, if there are excessive times that they are used or it is unclear what is being asked then we may refuse. We will also seek to work with you to clarify and explain things so we can ensure that you are able to exercise your rights as you intend. Before we can process these, we will need to ensure that we have confirmed your identity.

Right to Access

You have the right to request a copy of the data we hold about you and we must comply with your request within one calendar month. We may refuse or charge for requests that are manifestly unfounded or excessive. If your request is refused, we will write to you within one month to let you know. You will then have the right to complain to the ICO (contact details are provided in the “Right to Complain” section) and to a judicial remedy.

Right to be forgotten

You have the right to request that your information be deleted where the use of that information would no longer meet the requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018. Once the request is made, the information must be deleted within one month. Where the information in question has been made public or transferred to a third party, we must also take reasonable steps to inform those third parties about the request for deletion including any links to, or copies of that personal information. The above does not apply when it is necessary to keep the information in relation to legal proceedings, to comply with a statutory obligation, or to perform tasks in the public interest.

Correcting errors or omissions with your personal data (Rectification)

You have the right to have inaccurate and incomplete information about you amended and completed.

Right to restrict processing

Restricting processing can be for Data Futurists to stop using the data, stop in some instances as well as for us to stop sharing the personal data with suppliers and other third parties.

You have the right to request restriction of processing if your information is no longer processed (other than it being stored), is incorrect and/or the processing is unlawful but you object to its deletion and you want us to hold your information as you may need it for legal reasons.

Right to object

You have the right to object to processing in certain circumstances. Where Data Futurists uses “Public Task” or “Legitimate Interests” as it’s basis for processing your personal data you can object. You may also object to profiling and automated decision making. Profiling is where decisions are made about you based on certain things in your personal information.  Automated decision making is where things have been programmed and a decision is made without a person looking at it.

Right to data portability

You have the right to receive the personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. This could be to have your employee file as a PDF so it can be transferred to another employer.

Rights to complain

As mentioned earlier, you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) if you think there is a problem with the way in which Data Futurists are handling your information. To contact the ICO, please call 0303 123 1113 or visit their website at

Or write to them at:

Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

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